About Us Home / About Us One Boeing Quality Our Future Our Present Our Past Honorary Charts For more than 80 years, Jeppesen and aviation have evolved together Since 1934, when Captain E.B. Jeppesen began selling the world’s first aviation navigation charts, the company that bears his name has evolved alongside — not in response to — aviation. We aren’t providers. We’re partners. We’re co-pilots. And just as it was with Captain Jeppesen, the spirit of pilot helping pilot guides everything we do. A proud member of the Boeing family since 2000 Jeppesen is proud to be part of the One Boeing community, focused on the needs of global defense, space and aviation customers from all markets, regardless of their equipment’s original manufacturer. With engineering, digital analytics, supply chain and training support spanning across both the government and commercial service offerings, we are uniquely positioned to keep passengers flying, and nations safe. Visit services.boeing.com A culture of quality drives a culture of trust Companies don’t stay aloft as long as we have through transactions. Relationships drive our success, and we prove every day – around the world — that global doesn’t mean impersonal. The continuous conversations we have with our customers and other partners inform our pursuit and development of new and better ways to serve aviation. This results in products and services of the highest possible quality, informed, inspired and co-designed by those who ultimately use them. As a company driving the digital aviation transformation, we are committed to seeing everything through the eyes of our customers. We develop a culture of trust within our organization and with our customers by improving what we do every step of the way. We promise to pursue quality in everything we do by ensuring: We have the best team with the best skills. We are all engaged in our commitment to doing what is right for our customers. We take ownership of the work we do from beginning to end. We support each other, from management to front-line contributor, to ensure only quality products and services are delivered to our customers. View data certifications Our future: Fearless innovation We don’t know what the future will hold. We just know we’re ready to meet it. From the first copy sold of Captain Jeppesen’s famed little black book to the advanced avionics, flight planning, and crew solutions we provide today, our products and services combine practicality with ingenuity. Our portfolio may change constantly, but our mindset doesn’t. Our dedicated employees are passionate about creating the future of digital aviation, together. Our present: Constant collaboration Aviation might not evolve as dramatically now as it did in 1934, but aviation technology continues to evolve at a breakneck pace. The map is never really drawn; instead, we’re always in the process of drawing it, with each iteration sharper in focus and more insightful. Our solutions are the result of truly understanding aviation and aviators. We don’t react to needs. We meet them proactively by partnering with you and leveraging our strong relationships with other leading aviation organizations. Our past: Pioneers in the history of aviation Our story started with Captain Jeppesen and his little black book. We began when aviation itself was very young, literally exploring uncharted territory and creating the foundation for safe, efficient predictable air travel as we know it. We never waited for “someone else” to do it and never will. Aviation is by definition a disruptive technology — something that, once introduced, makes everything before it outdated. We’ve got a proud history of being disruptive in the best possible way. 1930 - 1949 1950 - 1969 1970 - 1989 1990 - 2009 2010 - Today 1934 Captain E.B. Jeppesen begins selling copies of his “little black book,” the world’s first reliable aviation charts, from his home in Salt Lake City, Utah. The company would move to Denver in 1941. 1947 Jeppesen collaborates with the US Civil Aviation Authority, which would later become the FAA, to develop standard instrument approach procedures and establish the National Flight Data Center. 1957 To support a contract with the U.S. Army, Jeppesen expands to Frankfurt, Germany. This new office paved the way to serve European and other markets. 1973 The first commercial flight is flown with Jeppesen NavData®, electronic flight data. 1974 Sanderson Films, a leading provider of pilot training courseware and material is merged into Jeppesen 1989 Jeppesen continues to expand its services, purchasing Lockheed DataPlan, a flight planning, international trip planning and weather services company. 1996 Jeppesen, introduces JeppView, a complete library of terminal aeronautical charts on CD-ROM; that same year, Jeppesen acquired MentorPlus, a maker of PC-based marine and aviation applications. 1998 Jeppesen introduces internet-based delivery of NavData updates. 1999 Jeppesen expands into airspace and procedure design through the acquisition of Airspace Safety Analysis Corporation, the premier provider of airspace utilization and FAA compliance analysis services for the telecommunications and tower management industry. 2000 Jeppesen is acquired by The Boeing Company – although Jeppesen and Boeing have a much longer history. Early in Captain Jepp’s career, he was asked to pilot two VIPs from Rock Springs, Wyoming to Salt Lake City. As the captain recounted, “I went out there and flew to Rock Springs and picked them up in the 40B. It wasn’t the easiest thing in the world. The Rock Springs airport was down in a ravine just south of the city — a pretty tight squeeze —– with mountains all around. When you were going to take off at night, the field manager would drive his car down to the very end of the runway and we’d follow him with the airplane to get a good long run so we could make a quick turn before we got to the mountains. Everything went great that night and, as it turned out, my passengers that night were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Boeing!” 2002 Jeppesen introduces its electronic flight bag and internet-based chart delivery — one more step toward a paperless cockpit. 2006 Jeppesen acquires Carmen Systems, a leading provider of crew scheduling and disruption-management software, further expanding our offerings in crew management, having acquired SBS, a New York City-based provider of crew-scheduling services, in 2004. 2013 Jeppesen’s Mobile FliteDeck is introduced to the general aviation market. 2014 Jeppesen expands into fuel management with the acquisition of ETS Aviation and into document management with the acquisition of AerData. 2017 Jeppesen partners with ForeFlight Mobile to integrate Jeppesen charts into the popular EFB solution. Captain Jeppesen’s charts went from being hand-drawn and copied to being updated in real time – literally at pilots’ fingertips. During that same year, thanks to team efforts, the FAA approved the use of own-ship position applications in flight. We’re sure he would be as proud as we are. 2019 Following a successful two-year partnership, Boeing aqcuires ForeFlight to further enhance its portfolio of digital services. This acquisition aligns with Boeing’s growth strategy of complementing organic investments with targeted, strategic investments that position the company for long-term growth. Jeppesen commemorative charts Over the past three decades, Jeppesen has created special charts honoring public figures and other members of the extended Jeppesen family for their contributions to aviation. To date, there have been more than 130 charts designed, honoring such luminaries as Harrison Ford; Sully Sullenburger and Jeff Skiles; Bob Hoover and the men of the Tuskegee Airman. Many of these projects are done with a light-hearted touch, but they are also meant to convey our deep respect for their recipients. Below are some of our more memorable charts. EAA 50th anniversary chart Organization/Affiliation: EAA Airventure Chart Title: 50 years in KOSH Chart Date: July 2019 View the 50th anniversary chart AOPA 80th anniversary chart Organization/Affiliation: AOPA Chart Title: 80th anniversary commemorative chart Chart Date: July 2019 AOPA 80th Anniversary Commemorative Chart AOPA 80th Anniversary Commemorative Briefing Pages Mark Van Tine Organization/Affiliation: Retired Jeppesen CEO Chart Title: Parker, Colo. (Rwy 23) Chart Date: June 2016 View Mark's chart Apollo 13 Organization/Affiliation: NASA Chart Title: Third Lunar Landing Mission Chart Date: July 2015 View the Apollo 13 chart Sean D. Tucker Organization/Affiliation: Aerobatic Pilot Chart Title: KSDT/SDT Chart Date: 2014 View Sean's chart Santa Claus Organization/Affiliation: Santa’s Workshop Chart Title: North Pole Village Chart Date: 2016 See how Santa gets to the North Pole Robert "Bob" Hoover Organization/Affiliation: WWII Vet, Aviator, Test pilot, Air show pilot Chart Title: Edwards AFB, California Chart Date: 2012 View Bob's chart Tuskegee Airmen "Red Tails" Organization/Affiliation: WWII Veteran pilot group Chart Title: Tuskegee, Alabama Chart Date: 2012 View the Tuskegee Airmen chart Hudson River Miracle "Sullenberger/Skiles" Organization/Affiliation: US Airways Flight 1549 Chart Title: New York, New York Chart Date: 2010 View Sully and Skiles' chart Eugene "Gene" Cernan Organization/Affiliation: Naval aviator and astronaut Chart Title: Pensacola, Florida Chart Date: 2013 View Gene's chart Harrison Ford Organization/Affiliation: Aviator and actor Chart Title: Jackson, Wyoming Chart Date: 2005 View Harrison's chart 90th anniversary Organization/Affiliation: Jeppesen Chart Title: Jeppesen Anniversary Airport Chart Date: 2025 Jeppesen's 90 Years Chart