Crew solutions

Improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase airline operational stability

With staff being an airline’s greatest expense behind fuel, we understand your very real need to be as efficient as possible. Jeppesen’s crew management solutions can help you to improve operational stability, maximize schedule safety, and even create opportunities to improve your crew’s quality of life.

The power of integration

The Jeppesen Crew Management System leverages the power of each individual solution to deliver an integrated solution to compound the efficiency, cost savings, and stability across your airline. From long-term planning through day of operation, the Jeppesen Crew Management system will allow you to maintain control, manage the unexpected and effectively optimize your operations to deliver an exceptional customer experience.

Plan, control and analyze – in one tightly integrated ecosystem

The true value of the Jeppesen Crew Management System lies in the ability for the six solutions to operate as one comprehensive ecosystem. Break down silos, provide more efficient workflows and amplify collaboration across functional areas. Recognize greater operational efficiency, productivity and performance.

Our solutions share common properties that enable collaboration across the phases of flight, and build a strong foundation for a smoother day of operations while identifying opportunities for continuous improvement.

The CMS + add-on modules

Beyond the breadth, depth and integration of our six crew management solutions, another advantage of the ecosystem is the automation delivered by our six supplementary add-on modules. These web- and mobile-based, self-service applications enable your crew to easily express preferences, communicate and trip trade while minimizing manual tasks for your planners and trackers.

Business Consulting

In addition to our industry-leading Crew management solutions, Jeppesen offers tailored, consultative services. Our experts will work closely with you to review your operation and recommend changes that will deliver tangible results. Together, we will work with you to improve crew productivity and efficiency through enhanced planning processes and ensure you are utilizing our software to its fullest potential. Ask your sales representative about what we can do for your operation.

Want to learn more?

To request more information on our crew solutions and business consulting for your airline, click below.