Fatigue Risk Management Services

Let us help you with your fatigue risk management program

Jeppesen provides a number of services supporting your fatigue risk management needs. A strong international team, at times reinforced by collaboration partners, allows for assisting with all of your needs implementing and operating an effective fatigue risk management program, regardless of the crew management products deployed in your operation.

Services include business consulting, fatigue data collection, training courses, and remote planning of your crew pairings and rosters. These services allow you to measure potential, get you up and running, and support you over time to maximize the potential of your fatigue risk management program.


Our experienced consultants can assist you in assessing the impact of introducing Fatigue Risk Management (FRM) functionality into your scheduling processes. We can perform a sensitivity analysis on your rules with regards to both efficiency and flight safety. Learn not only what rules you should safeguard in the next negotiation, but also which you should strive to relax and replace with FRM incentives. The detailed results are measured from real scenarios for your airline’s pairings and rosters.

Data collection surveys

An important part of any FRM system is to regularly assess your current operation regularly. With the right set up, you have the ability to leverage data collection made by other operators. Using CrewAlert enables an efficient process for collecting critical data without heavy investment in tools or data processing. Crew can easily provide necessary data and upload for processing, basic analysis, visualization, and comparison with a prediction model.


Our FRM training course provides an extensive level of detail for crew planners, safety pilots, and managers. The course covers the basic mechanisms of crew fatigue as well as practical exercises for hands on learning. Understand how to design pairings and rosters that reduce the likelihood of fatigue. The exercises use both CrewAlert for individual sequences of flights, and also automated tools (optimizers) for controlling full crew solutions.

Remote planning

We build pairings and rosters for airlines all over the world while proactively considering fatigue risk in the construction. Simply provide us with your objectives, constraints, and planning data and we will provide optimized crew schedules – balancing efficiency and crew fatigue risk. Join the more than 15 airlines that have chosen to let Jeppesen perform their crew planning.

Want to learn more?

Learn more about how our FRM services can be a solution for your operation by contacting us using the button below.