Common Alertness Prediction Interface

The industry standard for connecting fatigue models and applications

Although the science behind fatigue models is stable, models continue to improve. In a few years from now, you may decide that a different model best fits your operation. In an ideal world, switching models would be simple, without integration issues. Jeppesen offers the Common Alertness Prediction Interface (CAPI), the only existing standard for high-performance integration between application and fatigue models.

What is CAPI?

CAPI is a run-time interface, enabling linking a compiled library to an application (such as the Boeing Alertness Model or FAID). CAPI is used in CrewAlert, Concert, Jeppesen Crew Pairing, Rostering, and Tracking, as well as many third party tools wishing to leverage industry standards. CAPI covers the need of all bio-mathematical models allowing the application to pass everything needed for detailed alertness and fatigue predictions.


The key benefits of using CAPI include:

  • Save time: CAPI supports high performance interactions between applications and models by allowing for a linked library. The model becomes part of the application itself and there is no need to send files back and forth.
  • Flexibility: CAPI allows for a model-agnostic approach where applications can easily transition to another model without complicated modifications.
  • Affordability: CAPI is available for free to integrate into your in-house system, and as a licensed fee for third-party solution providers.

Want to learn more?

Learn more about how CAPI can be a solution for your operation or set up a live demo by contacting us using the button below.