You don’t need to exhaust your crew to be efficient
Created jointly by Jeppesen and Boeing, our Fatigue Risk Management (FRM) solutions use validated scientific fatigue and alertness models to help airlines to efficiently control fatigue risk in crew planning and operations. Jeppesen is the leading provider of fatigue risk management solutions built for supporting the entire crew management process – making a real difference to overall fatigue risk. For a decade, Jeppesen has provided innovative solutions build for mission-critical systems integrating leading science directly into the complex crew planning processes of the largest airlines in the world. Jeppesen provides solutions and services for crew, fatigue safety action groups, as well as crew planning departments.
The most powerful FRM solutions. For all stakeholders.
The Fatigue Risk Management portfolio is broad and deep, and contains solutions and services for all stakeholders. Our solutions stand firmly on the peer-reviewed and validated science in the Boeing Alertness Model. The portfolio includes:
- BAM, a scientifically validated fatigue model for use both with our Jeppesen Crew Solutions as well as third-party crew solutions
- Concert, a powerful platform for the Fatigue Safety Action Group, for safety assurance
- CrewAlert, providing risk awareness, prevention, and mitigation for individual crew members
- FRM Services for assistance with data collection, consultancy, remote planning, and training.
Solutions containing the leading science. Now and going forward.
Jeppesen employs a model independent approach recognizing that models evolve over time and that different regulators might recommend specific models. For this reason, Jeppesen products are able to easily switch over to another model with the Crew Alertness Prediction Interface. The recommended model to use is the one provided by Jeppesen – the Boeing Alertness Model. This model is extensively validated, has the needed performance for optimization, and a solid track-record used by more than 50 airlines worldwide.
Key benefits
With our Fatigue Risk Management products, your teams can:
- Suppress risk proactively while optimizing crew pairing and rosters
- Distribute risk fairly over your crew during roster optimization
- Distribute risk “horizontally” in the rosters, making sure crew get additional time between challenging periods
- Evolve your rule set to better limit fatigue risk
- Use what-if scenarios to show equivalent levels of safety to regulators
- Guide manual decision making in your native crew solution with fatigue markers and reports built in
- Easily analyze fatigue trends over time
- Use fatigue risk alerts in your crew tracking to highlight risks on the day of operation
Additional resources
Here is more detailed information about this product and what it can do for you.
Want to learn more?
Learn more about how Fatigue Risk Management can be a solution for your operation or set up a live demo by contacting us by clicking the button below.