20 Feb 2023

Holding pattern display may be incorrect

Included Regions (12)
Africa, Atlantic, Australia, Canada & Alaska, China, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East & South Asia, Pacific Basin, South America, United States, Western Europe & Mediterranean
Included Areas (12)
Africa (All), Atlantic (All), Australia (All), Canada & Alaska (All), China (All), Eastern Europe (All), Latin America (All), Middle East & South Asia (All), Pacific Basin (All), South America (All), United States (All), Western Europe & Mediterranean (All)

Jeppesen Enroute Data Driven Applications have been found to be displaying some Enroute holding patterns incorrectly on the Enroute graphic display. The issue is limited to holding patterns defined as a Fix/DME holding pattern. These holding patterns include an outbound leg which terminates at a DME distance from a Navaid.

Not all Fix/DME holding patterns are being displayed incorrectly.

All applicable information for a holding pattern is provided in the Object Details callout when tapping on the holding pattern symbol. This includes Holding Fix Ident, Inbound Bearing, Leg Length, Turn Direction and Minimum Altitude. This information is correct and should be referenced when using a holding pattern in Jeppesen Enroute Data Driven Applications.

Jeppesen is actively working to remedy this display issue and will provide an updated version to correct this issue as soon as it’s available.

Holding pattern display may be incorrect
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