01 Jul 2021 Update to current Controlled Airspace Types Notices & Alerts / Update to current Controlled Airspace Types Included Regions (12) Africa, Atlantic, Australia, Canada & Alaska, China, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East & South Asia, Pacific Basin, South America, United States, Western Europe & Mediterranean Included Areas (12) Africa (All), Atlantic (All), Australia (All), Canada & Alaska (All), China (All), Eastern Europe (All), Latin America (All), Middle East & South Asia (All), Pacific Basin (All), South America (All), United States (All), Western Europe & Mediterranean (All) Official source publications have provided controlled airspaces which do not always have a corresponding airspace type defined in current ARINC outputs. When those airspace types can be provided using a similar airspace type currently defined, Jeppesen has provided those boundaries using those airspace types. As a result, Radio Mandatory Zones (RMZ) and Transponder Mandatory Zones (TMZ) have been delivered to customers using the boundary designation Special Rules Area (SRA) or Traffic Information Zone (TIZ). Please refer to the attached NavData Output Notice for further details. Updated Controlled Airspace types NavData Output Notice Back to All Notices & Alerts