23 Sep 2020

Runway: Jeppesen Supplemental Record

Included Regions (12)
Africa, Atlantic, Australia, Canada & Alaska, China, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East & South Asia, Pacific Basin, South America, United States, Western Europe & Mediterranean
Included Areas (12)
Africa (All), Atlantic (All), Australia (All), Canada & Alaska (All), China (All), Eastern Europe (All), Latin America (All), Middle East & South Asia (All), Pacific Basin (All), South America (All), United States (All), Western Europe & Mediterranean (All)

Jeppesen ARINC 424 NavData files for cycle 2011, effective 8 October 2020, will include the text characters, “NA”, in certain declared distance fields where previously the field was blank, and may include declared distance values that match the runway length where previously these fields were blank:

JS5.28 Landing length, Day/Night: Landing Distance Available (LDA);

JS5.29 Take-off length, Day/Night: Take-off Run Available (TORA);

JS5.30 Take-off distance, Day/Night: Take-off Distance (TODA);

JS5.31 Accelerate Stop Distance, Day/Night: Accelerate Stop Distance Available (ASDA).

Having the text characters, “NA”, appear in the declared distance fields where previously the field was blank, or having declared distance values that match the runway length may cause problems when processing or loading the cycle 2011 NavData files.

Jeppesen is requesting all customers that receive Jeppesen Runway supplemental records to review their system requirements to determine if there is impact to their systems or processing.

If issues arise with loading or processing the cycle 2011 NavData files, please contact Jeppesen NavData Technical Support to request a revised cycle 2011 NavData extract.


Additionally, a 120 day NavData Notice informing Avionic manufacturers, OEMs, and customers of the inclusion of text characters in the runway supplemental fields and declared distance values that match the runway length will be issued before delivering an updated runway supplemental record.

Runway: Jeppesen Supplemental Record
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