02 Sep 2022 Introduction of PCR data Notices & Alerts / Introduction of PCR data Included Regions (12) Africa, Atlantic, Australia, Canada & Alaska, China, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East & South Asia, Pacific Basin, South America, United States, Western Europe & Mediterranean Included Areas (12) Africa (All), Atlantic (All), Australia (All), Canada & Alaska (All), China (All), Eastern Europe (All), Latin America (All), Middle East & South Asia (All), Pacific Basin (All), South America (All), United States (All), Western Europe & Mediterranean (All) Introduction of PCR data August 26, 2022 ICAO has adopted the PCR method (pavement classification rating) to replace the PCN method (pavement classification number) for reporting of pavement strength. Jeppesen will capture PCR values into the PCN attributes of RTCA DO-272/291 and ARINC 816 databases for airports which have switched their reporting from PCN to PCR. This change affects PCN attributes on the feature classes for Apron Elements, Parking Stand Areas, Runway Displaced Areas, Runway Elements, Runway Intersections, and Taxiway Elements. BACKGROUND ICAO Annex 14, Eighth Edition from July 2018 introduced the new PCR reporting requirement. The official applicability date is Nov. 28 2024, but the first airports have already started publishing the new PCR values as of Aug. 2022. FAA expects to complete the transition by Sept. 30 2024. The structure of a PCR is very similar to a PCN: • A numerical value • A pavement type (F or R) • A subgrade strength category (A, B, C, or D) • Max. tire pressure category (W, X, Y, or Z) or pressure value • Evaluation method (T or U) The notable difference is that the numerical value is about a factor 8 to 12 higher than the PCN numerical value of the same pavement. For example PCR760/R/B/W/T. SUMMARY KVGT (North Las Vegas) is the first AMDB airport which publishes only PCR values. These will be incorporated in AIRAC cycle 2210, effective Oct 6 2022. CLOSING COMMENTS Please evaluate your systems to determine the impact of these changes and make the necessary adjustments to your processing systems to accept this new value by Oct 6 2022 to be prepared for the changes in update cycle 2210. Notices are intended for Jeppesen’s Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Customers only. End Users of the data may contact their Avionics Providers with questions on the availability of data in their specific units. If you have Technical questions about this notice, please contact GIS Data Support at phone (USA) 303-328-4445, or email GISDataSupport@boeing.com or fax (USA) 303-328-4137. Advance Notification of AMDB PCR introduction Back to All Notices & Alerts