30 Jun 2021 UPDATED – Implementation of new Controlled Airspace types Notices & Alerts / UPDATED – Implementation of new Controlled Airspace types Included Regions (12) Africa, Atlantic, Australia, Canada & Alaska, China, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Middle East & South Asia, Pacific Basin, South America, United States, Western Europe & Mediterranean Included Areas (12) Africa (All), Atlantic (All), Australia (All), Canada & Alaska (All), China (All), Eastern Europe (All), Latin America (All), Middle East & South Asia (All), Pacific Basin (All), South America (All), United States (All), Western Europe & Mediterranean (All) In a continued effort to provide the most up to date data, Jeppesen will begin to provide additional controlled airspace types which are made available in official source documentation. The controlled airspace types which are listed in the attached Notice are not currently defined within the standard ARINC output. Please refer to the attached NavData Output Notice for further details. New Controlled Airspace types NavData Output Notice_update Back to All Notices & Alerts