Product Training for Crew Solutions

We offer courses tailored for your support-teams (planners, trackers, expert users, developers and system administrators, analysts and project managers). The courses cover everything needed for implementation, production and to start growing into future versions so the support team can keep up with changing business needs.

Most courses are two days, and scheduled at our main training sites in Göteborg, Sweden and Montreal, Canada.


Learn anytime, anywhere with our online courses

Our online, self-paced training course offerings are growing! We have released three valuable eLearning courses that are more accessible, flexible and cost-effective. Whether you are a new customer or your team needs a refresher, we are pleased to offer these online courses:

  • ePairing I
  • eRave I
  • ePairing Analysis

Register by sending a request to:

Learn from subject matter experts

All of our instructors work in their field of expertise and teach part-time, which allows them to stay on top of the technologies while maintaining a close relationship with our customers.

We train about 600 external students yearly, and internal employees are trained on the same courses.

If requested for larger training efforts, we work with you on “train the trainer” programs to make sure that course quality and content meet your specific needs (location, language, etc.).

Not sure which course to take?

Here are some suggested learning paths based on typical roles at an airline. Each path shows the order in which courses should be taken.

You can also view the entire course schedule with pricing and contact information for enrolling.

View course schedule

What is the role of a planner or scheduler?

A Planner or Scheduler creates, optimizes, maintains and publishes resources, trips or rosters while maintaining minimal cost. A planner has a good understanding of the planning problem and uses both manual and automatic functionality in the Crew & Fleet management system to solve the planning problem.

Typical Tasks & Responsibilities

  • Interfaces – making sure that data is “right”
  • Scheduling / Planning
  • Setting up data needed

Training Path

Improve your planning and scheduling skills by following this defined path.

Product Introduction:

Pairing introduction

Rostering introduction

Manpower Planning introduction


Product I:

Pairing I

Rostering I

Manpower Planning I – leave

Manpower Planning I – training


Product II:

Pairing II

Rostering II

Manpower Planning II

Pairing Optimization

View course schedule

Take your training to the next level

Request more information about our product training options by clicking below.