Changes to paper Airway Manual

2022 discontinued paper coverages

Many of our smaller regional Airway Manual paper coverages have declined to such low subscription quantities that it is regrettably no longer viable to maintain them. The coverages listed below are being discontinued in 2022. Any affected coverages will be supported up to their renewal date, but they will not be available for renewal and renewal notices will not be issued.

We realize this will require a transition for affected customers, and we are committed to making this as seamless as possible, including special offers for alternative services:

  • Paper to digital offer – when switching from paper to digital charting, get 50% off the first year of the digital charting service*
  • If you chose to switch to a larger paper coverage, the initial chart cleanout package is free (postage will apply) and additional binders are 50% off (again, postage will apply)

Please contact us to take advantage of the special offers.

*Please note that this paper to digital offer is only valid when you process your order through Jeppesen. It is not available if you are purchasing Jeppesen digital charts directly through ForeFlight.

Alternative options

Affected Business and General Aviation customers may elect to transition to a digital version of the same coverage, or a larger paper coverage, which are available at or by contacting us.

For our Airline, Government and Military customers, your service representative is informed and will support you finding the best alternative solution.

Please reference this overview guide, or the lists below under “Additional resources,” for the discontinued and available alternative paper coverage options.

2022 paper coverages

Discontinued standard (terminal and enroute) IFR paper Airway Manuals


Central U.S. (AUSD05)

Central/Northern U.S. (AUSN05)

Central/Northern/Great Lakes U.S. (AUSU05)

Central/Southern U.S. (AUST05)

Eastern U.S. (AUSB05)

Great Lakes U.S. (AUSP05)

Full U.S.HP-4000 (AUSAHP)

Northwestern U.S. (AUSL05)

Southeast/South Central U.S. (AUSW05)

Southeastern U.S. (AUSS05)

Southwestern U.S. (AUSK05)



Alaska (AAKA04)

Canada (ACAD04)

Eastern Canada (ACAE04)

Western Canada (ACDW04)

Western Canada/Alaska (ACAW04)


Middle/South America

Brazil (ABRZ04)

Latin America (ALAS04)

Mexico (AMEX04)

Northern South America (ANSA04)

Southern South America (ASSA04)

Venezuela (AVEZ04)



Australasia (AAUS04)

East and Central Australia (AASE04)

New Zealand (ANZD04)

West and Central Australia (AASW04)


Western Europe

Austria (AAUT04)

Central Europe (ACEN04)

Ireland and UK (ATUK04)

Northern Europe (ANOR04)

North Sea (ANSE04)

Scandinavia (ASCA04)

Spain and Portugal (ASPA04)

UK and Ireland (AUKI04)


Eastern Europe/Middle East

Eastern Europe Special (AEAS04)



Southern Africa (ASAF04)

Available standard (terminal and enroute) IFR paper Airway Manuals


Central/Eastern U.S. (AUSC05)

Central/Western U.S. (AUSE05)

Full U.S. (AUSA05)

Northeastern U.S. (AUSR05)

Western U.S. (AUSF05)



Canada/Alaska (ACAN04)


Middle/South America

Caribbean (ACAR04)

Latin America (ALAM04)

South America (ASAM04)



Australia (AASD04)

Pacific Basin (APBN04)

Far East (AFES04)


Western Europe

Eastern Europe (AEEU04)

Europe (AEUR04)

Europe and Mediterranean (AERM04)

France (AFRA04)

Germany (AGER04)

Italy (AITA04)



Eastern Europe/Middle East

China (ACHI04)

Eastern Europe (AEEU04)

Far East (AFES04)

India (AIND04)

Middle East and South Asia (AMES04)



Africa (AAFR04)



Discontinued enroute only IFR paper Airway Manuals


Central U.S. Enroute LO (AUSD01)

Central/Eastern U.S. Enroute LO (AUSC01)

Central/Southeast/Southern U.S. Enroute LO (AUSW01)

Central/Southern U.S. Enroute LO (AUST01)

Central/Western U.S. Enroute LO (AUSE01)

Eastern U.S. Enroute LO (AUSB01)

Great Lakes U.S. Enroute LO (AUSP01)

North Central U.S. Enroute LO (AUSN01)

North Central/Great Lakes U.S. Enroute LO (AUSU01)

Northeastern U.S. Coastal Enroute LO (AUSNEC)

Northeastern U.S. Enroute LO (AUSR01)

Northwestern U.S. Enroute LO (AUSL01)

Southeastern U.S. Enroute LO (AUSS01)

Southwestern U.S. Enroute LO (AUSK01)

U.S./Canada/Latin America Enroute LO (AUCL01)

Western U.S. Enroute LO (AUSF01)



All Europe Enroute HI/LO (AAEU01)

Eastern Europe Special Enroute LO (AEAS01)

France Enroute LO (AFRA01)

Germany Enroute LO (AGER01)

Italy Enroute LO (AITA01)

North Sea Enroute LO (ANSE01)

Northern Europe Enroute LO (ANOR01)

Scandinavia Enroute LO (ASCA01)

Spain/Portugal Enroute  LO (ASPA01)

United Kingdom and Ireland Enroute LO (AUKI01)



Canada Enroute LO (ACAD01)

Eastern Canada Enroute LO (ACAE01)

Western Canada/Alaska Enroute LO (ACAW01)



Australasia Enroute HI/LO (AAUS01)

Australia Enroute HI/LO (AASD01)

Hawaii Enroute HI/LO (AHAW01)

Pacific Enroute HI/LO (APAC01)



Southern Africa Enroute HI/LO (ASAF01)


Middle/South America

Caribbean Enroute HI/LO (ACAR01)

Mexico Enroute HI/LO (AMEX01)

Northern South America Enroute HI/LO (ANSA01)

Southern South America Enroute HI/LO (ASSA01)

Venezuela Enroute HI/LO (AVEZ01)



India Enroute HI/LO (AIND01)



Available enroute only IFR paper Airway Manuals

Please contact us for available enroute only options.


Discontinued VFR paper Airway Manuals


Austria (AVAT06)

Belgium/Luxemburg (AVBE06)

Europe Edition Kilo (AVEUK6)

Europe Edition Lima (AVEUL6)

Europe Edition Papa (AVEUP6)

Europe Edition Sierra (AVEUS6)

Europe Edition Uniform (AVEUU6)

Finland (AVFI06)

France (AVFR06)

General Text, French (AVTGF6)

Greece (AVGR06)

Netherlands (AVNL06)

Norway (AVNO06)

Poland (AVPL06)

Portugal (AVPT06)

Spain/Gibraltar (AVES06)

Switzerland (AVCH06)




Available VFR paper Airway Manuals


Europe Edition Alpha (AVEUA6)

Europe Edition Bravo (AVEUB6)

Europe Edition Charlie (AVEUC6)

Europe Edition Delta (AVEUD6)

Europe Edition Echo (AVEUE6)

Europe Edition Foxtrot (AVEUF6)

Europe Edition Golf (AVEUG6)

Europe Edition Hotel (AVEUH6)

Europe Edition November (AVEUN6)

Europe Edition Oscar (AVEUO6)

General Text, English (AVTGE6)

General Text, German (AVTGG6)

Germany (AVDE06)

Italy/Malta (AVIT06)


Discontinued miscellaneous IFR paper Airway Manuals

Australia Domestic Standard Text Only (AASDTX)

Caribbean Airport Qualification (ACARAF)

Central America Airport Qualification (ACAMAF)

Eastern U.S. Airport Qualification (AUSAFE)

Europe and Mediterranean Ref Guide (AERMJD)

Western U.S. Airport Qualification (AUSAFW)