Get you flying and keep you flying Home / Jeppesen News and Events / AERO Building the future together Please review our upcoming offerings below. Because the usual events were cancelled for June and July, we want to stay connected online. And in order to stay connected, we want to offer the following show specials to you. Also, we invite you to receive updates regarding AERO, other Jeppesen events and additional offers later in 2020 through our monthly General Aviation Newsletter. In case you have not yet subscribed, please visit us online. 4 - 6 June 2020 France Air Expo 4 - 6 June 2020 11 - 13 June 2020 Aero Expo UK 11 - 13 June 2020 2 - 4 July 2020 AERO South Africa 2 - 4 July 2020 France Air Expo 2020 annulée - les promotions ne le sont pas! Chaque année, sur notre stand, nous proposons des “promotions Air Expo” à prix réduit. Avec l’annulation de l’exposition, vous ne pouvez pas venir chez nous, alors nous venons chez vous et nous vous proposons volontiers nos “promotions” ici: Offres de produits groupés: 15 % de réduction sur le service annuel: Paquets Avidyne: NavData Bundle ou NavData Bundle & Charting Pour les séries IFD 400/500, EX500 et IFD 100 Paquets Garmin: NavData Bundle ou NavData Bundle & Charting Série G1000 et GTN, également GI 275 et GTN Xi Changement de cartes papier Jeppesen aux cartes électroniques: 50 % de réduction Offre de renouvellement – 15% de reduction: contactez-nous en indiquant votre numéro de client jusqu’au 6-JUIN, payez d’avance votre prochaine facture de renouvellement avant le 30-JUIN. Service annuel de cartes électroniques – quelques exemples après réduction de 15% : France VFR: €101.15 MFD France VFR: €103.70 France IFR: €446.25 (France, Belgigue, Luxembourg, Suisse) MFD France IFR: €425.00 (France, Belgigue, Luxembourg, Suisse) (prix en Euro, plus TVA locale) Vous pouvez charger vos cartes Jeppesen sur un maximum de 4 appareils (PC Windows, iPads, iPhone) ou jusqu’à 4 applications. Vous pouvez même afficher vos cartes Jeppesen sur le même iPad dans les applications de différents fournisseurs (ForeFlight Mobile, Avidyne IFD, GarminPilot, Jeppesen Mobile FD app). MFD: vous obtenez une installation supplémentaire pour votre unité avionique de cockpit. Veuillez nous contacter entre le 4 et le 6-JUIN-2020 à et utiliser comme mot clé “France Air Expo 2020” dans l’objet. Aero Expo UK 2020 cancelled – Jeppesen specials are not! Every year at our booth, we offer discounted Aero Expo specials. With the cancellation of the show, you cannot come to us, so we come to you and gladly offer our specials here: Product Bundles: 15% off Annual Service: Avidyne bundles: NavData Bundle or NavData Bundle & Charting For IFD 400/500 Series, EX500 series, IFD 100 Garmin bundles: NavData Bundle or NavData Bundle & Charting G1000 and GTN series, also GI 275 and GTN Xi Changing from Jeppesen Paper Charting service to one of our Electronic Charting services: 50% off Renewal Offer: 15% off, if you contact us, providing your customer number, until 13-JUNE about your upcoming renewal and pre-pay by 30-JUNE: Electronic Charts annual service – some examples after reduction by 15%: Ireland VFR: €73.10 MFD Ireland VFR: €67.15 UK VFR: €65.45 MFD Ireland VFR: €67.15 UK & Ireland VFR: €101.15 MFD UK & Ireland VFR: €103.70 UK & Ireland IFR: €382.50 MFD UK & Ireland IFR: €362.10 (prices in Euro, plus local VAT) You can load your Jeppesen Charts on up to four devices (Windows PCs, iPads, evtl iPhone) or up to four apps. You even can display your Jeppesen Charts on the same iPad in the apps of different providers (ForeFlight Mobile, Avidyne IFD, GarminPilot, Jeppesen Mobile FD app). For Mobile FliteDeck, you get one installation extra for your cockpit Avionics unit. Please reach out to us between 11 and 13-JUNE-2020 at and use the keyword “Aero Expo UK 2020” in the subject line. AERO South Africa 2020 cancelled – Jeppesen specials are not! Every year at our booth, we offer discounted AERO specials. With the cancellation of the show, you cannot come to us, so we will come to you and we gladly offer our specials here: Product Bundles: 15% off Annual Service: Avidyne bundles: NavData Bundle or NavData Bundle & Charting For IFD 400/500 Series, EX500 series, IFD 100 Garmin bundles: NavData Bundle or NavData Bundle & Charting G1000 and GTN series, also GI 275 and GTN Xi Changing from Jeppesen Paper Charting service to one of our Electronic Charting services: 50% off Renewal Offer: 15% off, if you contact us, providing your customer number, until 04-JULY about your upcoming renewal and pre-pay by 30-JULY. Electronic Charts annual service – some examples after reduction by 15%: Southern Africa IFR: €317.05 MFD Southern Africa IFR: €306.00 Africa IFR: €1,030.20 MFD Africa IFR: €991.10 (Full South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Madagascar, Mauritius and Reunion – southern parts of Angola, Zambia and Malawi) You can load your Jeppesen Charts on up to four devices (Windows PCs, iPads, evtl iPhone) or up to four apps. You even can display your Jeppesen Charts on the same iPad in the apps of different providers. (ForeFlight Mobile, Avidyne IFD, GarminPilot, Jeppesen Mobile FD app). For Mobile FliteDeck, you get one installation extra for your cockpit Avionics unit. Please reach out to us between 2 and 4-JULY-2020 at and use as keyword “AERO South Africa 2020” in the subject line.