Operational Analysis

Tailored solutions for flawless planning

Our Operational Analysis service provides a comprehensive analysis of your airline’s operations, focusing on cost reduction, efficiency enhancement, robustness and crew wellbeing. We offer valuable recommendations and roadmaps for improvement, tailored to your airline’s needs. Our analysis covers key performance drivers such as process and governance, workforce and technology integration. We are vendor agnostic, ensuring compatibility with your existing fleet and systems.

How the Operational Analysis Works

Our experts will review your current operations, both via data discovery and personnel interviews, to uncover any existing roadblocks to growth. We will review areas of the business including:

  • Lack of collaboration between different phases of flight operations
  • Dynamic requirements oversight
  • Feedback loop gaps between operations and planning
  • Excessively long roster assignment processes
  • Reactive fatigue risk management
  • Ineffective disruption management

“We combine on-site engagement, data analysis, and expert insights to gain a deep understanding of your airline’s planning and operations”

Tailored Solutions

The final report will be customized to your operation and will include:

  • Aligning crew, timetable and aircraft for productivity improvements
  • Considering dynamic requirements for increased seat kilometers
  • Optimizing flight plans for reduced fuel consumption
  • Implementing smart buffers for robustness
  • Streamlining roster creation for time savings
  • Quick and low-risk solutions
  • Efficiencies that can be unlocked through new technology
  • A roadmap for flawless planning

Want to know more?

Contact us today to unlock cost savings, enhance efficiency and drive success in a competitive market.