Jeppesen FliteDeck Advisor

Reduce fuel use and lower carbon emissions

Jeppesen FliteDeck Advisor is a mobile flight optimization application providing pilots with real-time, tail-specific, in-flight advisories to lower fuel use, improve flight schedules and save airlines money.

  • Reduce fuel use by 1-2%
  • Lower carbon emissions
  • Support corporate sustainability goals

Six steps to save fuel

Real-world results

“Virgin Atlantic has been thrilled with the swift improvements Jeppesen’s FliteDeck Advisor solution has already had on our operations. Given our shared values for reliability, quality and innovation to advance industry sustainability target goals, we are excited to continue collaborating with Boeing through this service.”

Corneel Koster
Chief Customer and Operating Officer (EVP) at Virgin Atlantic

What makes FliteDeck Advisor so effective?

FliteDeck Advisor

Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro integration

Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro users benefit even more, because these same fuel-saving advisories are also seamlessly integrated into the navigation app, resulting in an even higher pilot utilization and a greater savings for your operation.

Need help reducing fuel costs?

View our on-demand webinar to discover how FliteDeck Advisor and its in-flight advisories have already helped Etihad and other airlines around the world reduce their fuel use, and brought them one step closer to meeting their corporate sustainability goals.

Additional resources

Here is more detailed information about this product and what it can do for you.

Want to know more?

To learn how FliteDeck Advisor can optimize your commercial airline operations, please contact your Jeppesen representative or complete the form below to request a personal contact.